day in the life session Tag

August 16, 2020 A Day in the Life of the “P” Family | Documentary Family Photography | Reading, PA

Last week I spent the day with the P family to capture a day in their lives in this unique, weird time. Life has had to change quite a bit during the pandemic for all families, and it was especially interesting to capture what a day in the life of a 7 and 9 year old looks like when everything needs to happen in and around their home. Thanks, 'Rona. Spending the day with Eleanor, Elliott and Jonathan was a blast....

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Maui family day in the life session

May 4, 2020 The Nelson Family | A Day (or Two) in the Life | Documentary Family Photography

Back at the end of January, which now feels like a lifetime ago, I visited the island of Maui for a wonderful week in my favorite place. Despite living half a world apart, over the last few years, Angie has become a close friend of mine. When she offered to open her home for me to stay with her family, I knew I wanted to do something for her in return. And I knew exactly what I wanted that something...

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April 4, 2020 The “F” Family | A Night in the Life | Baltimore Documentary Family Photographer

This is my absolute favorite type of session. The documentary in home sessions with young kids. They're silly, they have short attention spans, and they'll grow out of everything that makes them so weird sooner than later. It's an amazing time to witness, and it's so special to be able to preserve these moments for my families. Life changes and it changes FAST. Portraits are a beautiful way to remember what your kids looked like. These sessions help you remember...

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July 30, 2019 The “M” Family | A Night in the Life | Baltimore Family Documentary Photography

I've fallen a bit behind on blogging over here, and not for a lack of family work but rather we've just been super busy with weddings! Check out the blog over on our wedding website to see what we've been up to :) Now that things are starting to wind down from the first half of our wedding season and we're finally starting to feel caught up, I'm excited to share more of the family work that I've been up...

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May 3, 2019 The Laury Family | A Day in The Life | Family Documentary Photographer

I met Juliana a little over three years ago when we roomed together as strangers at a photo workshop. I knew immediately that I had met someone special and that we would remain friends. The situation was stressful and I found it difficult to connect with those around me, but I am so thankful that Juliana kept in touch with me anyway. Over the last few years she's become incredibly special to me. She's one of the deepest and most...

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April 12, 2019 The Oliver Family | A Day in the Life | Baltimore Documentary Family Photographer

At the end of January I took a photo workshop run by Fearless Photographers (also, fun coincidence, yesterday I got my first Fearless Award - a goal I've had for years) and one of the speakers said something that really sat with me. She asked us how we felt physically when we saw something and the urge to capture it was something we couldn't ignore. She explained her feeling, and a few other people in the room explained theirs. I just sat there...

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April 3, 2019 Marlee is now two! | A Night in the Life | Family Documentary Photographer

Almost two years to the day of Marlee's birth, I got together with the M family for a "Night in the Life" session. The "Night in the Life" sessions are a shorter alternative to the Day in the Life - instead of a full day, we capture dinner, play time and the bedtime routine. Life with a two year old is chaotic, but it's so special. Any time you'd say "I love you" to Marlee, she'd yell "I love ME!" I...

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