June 12, 2020 The Laury Family 2020 | Documentary Portraits & Night in the Life
The year was 2020. We were in the midst of pandemic uncertainty, and through isolation and minor risk of exposure, we decided to do this session anyway. Juliana was pregnant with their third and final son, and wanted to capture the chaos of her life. The main goal: To capture a portrait of her as a mother and an artist. One of my favorite things about Juliana is that she truly is an artist, and her while her medium may change, the desire to create never dies. Whether it’s photography, writing, podcasting, digital art, or physical art, she is always creating and putting herself into the world through art. As her life has changed and her family has grown, her art has changed, and she wanted to capture what it looked like in this moment.
Here is the resulting photo – more perfect and imperfect than we had imagined.
Unfortunately Colin was working that day so he wasn’t able to join us, but I was still able to capture their nightly routine, which is my favorite part. Here are just some of the highlights.
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