May 3, 2019 The Laury Family | A Day in The Life | Family Documentary Photographer
I met Juliana a little over three years ago when we roomed together as strangers at a photo workshop. I knew immediately that I had met someone special and that we would remain friends. The situation was stressful and I found it difficult to connect with those around me, but I am so thankful that Juliana kept in touch with me anyway. Over the last few years she’s become incredibly special to me. She’s one of the deepest and most loving people I know and I am so thankful that even though I don’t see her often, the time that we do have together is so meaningful.
I couldn’t think of a better time to share my Day in the Life session with Juliana, Colin, and Johnny than this week. Juliana wanted this session to be able to capture life in the final weeks of their life as a family of three. Yesterday, they became a family of four! I can’t wait to meet baby Benny and get to see Johnny in his role of big brother.
Before sharing the photos from our time together last month, I wanted to share something that Juliana wrote to Johnny and shared on her instagram page.
A letter to our son, as we await the arrival of his first sibling…
To our sweet boy Johnny,
I want to take a moment to put into words how much we adore you. I want to take some time while you are still our only baby, our only child, to tell you that the last 17 months with you have been bliss. As your mother, I am intoxicated by the physicality of you. I can spend days on end smelling your skin, listening to your laugh, even tasting your tears when the days feel too long. I want to remember every second of every moment of every day with you, but I know that is impossible so I will do my best to capture the little pieces of you that I can but knowing that the moments are still fleeting and I will never be able to save them all. The thing is, though, that this is suddenly ok. You see, becoming a mother has given me the ability to let go. It is the great gift that all parents are offered, this chance to stop holding on so hard. Not every parent takes that chance and they still want to control the wheel, but I will not be one of them because I have relished sitting back and enjoying the ride as it comes.You are going to be a big brother soon, and you won’t remember this time that your dad and I have had to relish in our love for you alone. You’re still too young to realize that most of your life will be built upon memories of a fuller house with more little humans like you, all of you needing your father and I in different and unique ways. But Johnny, you are the firstborn. You are the only one who has ever had us all to yourself, when our attentions rested on you alone. It’s been the greatest joy of our marriage thus far. Your father and I fall more in love with one another every day because we fall more in love with you at the same time. Please know how special this is to us. We both want to thank you for making us the happiest parents on earth. Your smile lights up our life, and we know that one day that smile will transform many more lives for the better. For now, you are our sweet boy, our 17 month old ball of love. We are cherishing every day that we have you all to ourselves. Thank you for existing. We love you.
Day in the Life Family Photography
Brittney Nestle
Posted at 16:53h, 03 MayThese family sessions are so priceless. He’s too stinkin’ adorable. Great job!
Posted at 20:34h, 18 MayLove Juliana’s letter to Johnny, so special! I really love these sessions! They capture the beautiful moments that are rarely seen outside our memories. Memories fade so to have these images is priceless. Beautiful!!